Recently, there was worldwide media coverage of China’s censorship of the award ceremony of the Nobel peace price won by Mr. Liu Xiaobo within the country. China even discouraged other countries from participating in the award ceremony by threatening repercussions if they sent representatives. Communist and dictatorial regimes try to shape public opinion by suppressing the opposing views. They believe that by suppressing dissenting views, they can shape the public's opinion. But there are always at least two sides on any issue. For example, the debate of extending the Bush tax modifications is either considered a tax hike or as tax cut depending on who you ask. But it is important to have have the discussion so that both sides can express their views and perhaps bring more information to the debate.
The push for adding a second medical school in Fort Worth at University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC) does not escape to this rule. As UNTHSC is part of University of North Texas (UNT) system, I posted few blogs from on the Facebook of UNT system and North Texas Daily in order to present the opposing viewpoints to the necessity and the wisdom of the establishment of a second medical school.
A week later those posts were deleted and removed I was removed as a fan from the Facebook sites of UNT and North Texas Daily. I can no longer post on their walls. I wrote a letter to the editor-in-chief of North Texas Daily to inquire about the censorship on December 13, 2010 and have yet to receive a response. These actions lead to me to conclude that these sites are trying to stifle any discussion on the UNTHSC medical school.
As I come from a family who left Vietnam for political asylum and freedom to France and the United States of America, I find this behavior upsetting. University and student journal are places where one would not expect freedom of speech to be censored. Not publishing the opposing views on the journal may be understandable due to the excuse of lack of space; the censorship in the social media network is inexcusable. University should be a place where young minds learn to develop and grow and exchange of ideas should be allowed. Now I don't equate these entities to China, there are significant differences. But the similarity is troubling.

The following email to the editor-in-chief of North Texas Daily was sent on December 13, 2010.
Dear Mr. Johnson:
I am a TCOM grad class 02. TCOM/UNTHSC is part of UNT system. I posted a few links about the other side of the UNTMD plan issue on Facebook of your journal, UNT system, and UNTHSC.
I have noticed that my posts were removed from your journal Facebooks and I was even removed as fan from the journal. I haven't posted any profanity, I have only posted researched and well-referenced commentaries.
I am just wondering what are the reasons that your journal removed me as a Facebook fan and UNT/UNTHSC Facbooks have blocked my postings. There are always 2 sides on any issue. I just wanted to present some facts to the UNT community as UNTHSC is part of it. Is there a reason for this kind of censorship?
I hope to hear from you soon on this matter and wish you and your family a happy holiday seasons.
Tayson DeLengocky,DO
Vitreo-retinal Surgery
Clinical Assitant Professor of Surgery at University of Illinois College of Medicine.
Try to speak out at UNT-HSC about this issue, you'll be fired or asked to resign. Ask two Deans, a few Chairman and dozens of faculty.
ReplyDeleteI was amazed that I removed from the North Texas Daily twice as a fan. I went to UT-Austin, the motto:"the truth shall set you free."
ReplyDeleteDr. Delengocky, we think there is a misunderstanding. UNT, UNT Health Science Center and the North Texas Daily haven’t blocked you from posting comments on their “official” Facebook pages. All posts and comments are monitored. UNT and the NT Daily don’t remove them unless they disrupt the conversation or contain or link to abusive material, personal attacks, profanity or spam.
ReplyDeleteUNTHSC’s page does prevent direct posting to the wall to ensure their community is protected against spam and phishing. However, no one who follows Facebook’s "rules of etiquette” is blocked from posting comments. In fact, this comment from “Neuro-Retina” was posted on November 18th and remains posted.
The Editor-in-Chief of the North Texas Daily is a student position. If you have concerns, please feel free to contact the newspaper’s Staff Director Jacqi Serie at or 940-565-4265.
We believe in transparency and open communication, throughout the social web. Thanks for letting us address your concerns.
Mr. Sloan:
ReplyDeleteThank you for your concern of addressing the issue. I do understand the owner of the facebook page has the right to allow what to be posted or commented or not. There is a difference of posting a comment and posting a link. I respect that about the UNTHSC page does not allow direct posting a link but allow only leaving the comments.
It is just concerning that a social-media network page decides to change the rules as my posts on North Texas Daily 's facebook were removed and I was removed as a fan twice, and i cannot post a link as others still can. The seletive blocking smells like suppression and censorship. My email to the editor-in-chief has been ignored since Dec 13, 2010.
Regarding the UNT system facebook's page, I cannot post any link anymore, while previously able to. This is also a selective blocking.
Dr. Delengocky, the editor-in-chief is a student position. After the last day of classes, December 9th, they do not publish an issue of the newspaper. The week of your email was during finals and then the school closes for the holidays. He is not required to monitor that email account during that time.
ReplyDeleteFeel free to contact the paper's Staff Director. I left her info in my previous post. She can help address some of your concerns.
The "UNT System" doesn't have a Facebook page. The University of North Texas has one, which I monitor daily. I can assure you, you have not been "removed" or "blocked" as spam. What is the URL address of the page you are trying to post to?
If it is an "official" page, run by someone within the system, I am happy to do all I can to help resolve the issue.
Dubin left because of the truckload of money that RVU gave him. No brainer, man. I wouldn't see every move as a conspiracy, but I'm not wearing my tinfoil hat... so...
ReplyDeleteIt's ok if you moderate this post. It's your blog and I can't stop you.
Mr. Sloan:
ReplyDeleteI only posted the links from this website. There is no profanity or personal attack. Most of the commentaries or blogs are well-researched and referenced. I am glad to hear that I am not bloked anymore from UNT facebook.
The facebook of North Texas Daily has been active during the holiday seasons.
Thank you for your assistance.
ReplyDeleteAutomatic moderation system was set up by the IT friends.
I am sorry if the moderation of the comments takes time as I have a full-time practice to attend to and my blog is not even 3 month-old.
I am curious to know the number and the salary of Dr. Dubin. Do you have that number? where is the evidence of the "truckload of money"?
As you can see there is a blog regarding the compensation of presidents of health science center in Texas.