Former Chairman of Department of Osteopathic Medicine-UNTHSC
Former Tenured Professor-UNTHSC
Former UNT Health Board Member
Former Director of Physical Medicine Research Institute
I am sincerely humbled and honored to be among such distinguished public servants and I appreciate this opportunity to address the UNT System Chancellor, Board of Regents and this audience. My name is Scott Stoll. I received my DO from TCOM and my PhD from UNT. Upon graduation from TCOM, I was awarded the Wayne O. Stockseth Award for the Most Outstanding Osteopathic Graduate and have proudly worn the watch to this day.
I am an osteopathic physician specialist. I am residency trained and am both MD and DO board certified. Next month, I will complete 20 years of service to the State of Texas through my work at UNTHSC. A little over a year ago, in September 2008, I was promoted to full professor with tenure in recognition of my efforts in teaching, research, clinical service, administration, and community engagement. My wife Myra and I give annually to a UNT College of Arts and Sciences scholarship fund as well as to the UNTHSC Foundation. As a proud alumnus, I bleed Eagle Green and was looking forward to another 20 years of service and retirement from the University of North Texas Health Science Center.
However, as you all know, the events of this last year have been difficult and traumatic for me and my family and left me with no real choice but to resign effective in January 2010.